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Monday, 9 September 2013

Possibilites: Simon becomes Peter; water becomes wine

What qualities did Jesus see in Simon Peter that he dubbed him “Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone” (John 1:42)?  If we turn to the Glossary definition of ‘Rock’, we find both a positive and a negative interpretation: “Rock. Spiritual foundation; Truth.  Coldness and stubbornness.”  (Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p. 593:18). 

Jesus later named Simon “Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church” (Matt. 16:18). 

First “Stone”, and then “Rock”.  A stone will not give a good solid place on which to stand, so perhaps Jesus saw at that time Simon’s tendency towards “coldness and stubbornness” whereas Simon later grew to be the Peter of the rock’s “spiritual foundation”.  Perhaps Peter’s spiritual growth is more notably impressive than that of the other disciples.  We can rejoice in Peter’s experience, for it shows that it is possible for us too to move “from sense to Soul” (Hymn 64).

I love the “come and see” theme of this first chapter of John’s Gospel.  I recall, but cannot quote the source, that Mrs. Eddy used that phrase when speaking with an enquiring student.

So…back to the water into wine!  This story was in the Christian Science Bible Lesson-Sermon last week.  It seems there was a huge amount of water which Jesus turned into wine – 6 waterpots of two or three firkins each, a firkin being about 9 gallons as I read it.  In church yesterday, I wrote in my Quarterly, “Abundance of wine.  Jesus supplied a need.  What a way to begin his ministry, by seeing to it that there was an abundance of “inspiration, understanding” (S&H’s Glossary definition of Wine p. 598) on tap!”  I can now add, “in exchange for “error; fornication; temptation; passion.””

Joyce Voysey

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