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Saturday, 21 September 2013

God's glorified

The Gospel of John, Chapter 12

Judas was the apostle who was in charge of the ‘kitty’, the money bag.  Dummelow’s One Volume Bible Commentary has this to say about the communism ideal: “The apostles had one purse, because they realised that those who have spiritual things in common, ought (ideally, at least) to have temporal things in common also.  But though communism is the ultimate Christian ideal, and has always been regarded as such (see Ac 2:44), it does not, therefore, follow that it is practicable or good in the existing state of the world.”  (Historical note: this Commentary of Dummelow was first copyrighted in 1908.)

I am taken with all the “glorified” references in this chapter.  What is glorified being, I wonder?  Dictionary definitions didn’t satisfy.  However, this sentence from Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy did: “Man and woman as coexistent and eternal with God forever reflect, in glorified quality, the infinite Father-Mother God” p. 516: 21.

Our real being is the glory of God in expression.  What a healing concept!  In reality, we are never less than that glorified being.  “God’s glorified” (see Mary Baker Eddy’s poem/hymn Satisfied) through our glorious expression of His wondrous Being. 

I am bankrupt of words to express this wonderful knowing.

Joyce Voysey
Ed. Do we detect a "shininess" in others?  Maybe this is God, being glorified.  Then let us all shine!

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