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Friday, 11 April 2014

Opening the Scriptures

It seems impossible that for 14 years Paul was off on his own, teaching what had been revealed to him, with only a 15 day visit to Peter after 3 years.  He was preaching to the Gentiles, people who had never been Jews.  So he would have had to open to them the Jewish Scriptures which he knew so well as a Pharisee.  Wow!  Hadn’t thought of that before!

Peter and the other apostles confined their teaching to the Jews – with all their traditions.  Once again I think of Christians coming to Christian Science from other religions, and the ‘hang ups’ they have to overcome.  Perhaps they can be compared to the apostles’ struggles with the Jews, while Paul’s experience with the Gentiles, what were the ‘hang ups’ there?  Other gods? 

Chapter 3 of Galatians is big on ‘faith.’  It seems that Paul is saying that the Law of the Old Testament does not include faith.  He is concerned that the Galatians are deserting the life of the Spirit which he has taught them for that of outward observance of the Law, which he seems to relate to the merely human striving to be better by trying to obey the “Thou shalt nots.”

Verse 16 clears up a point: The New King James Version has, “Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made.  He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ.”  And Dummelow’s Commentary of the Bible says, “Now God’s gracious promise to Abraham and his descendants is realised only in and through Christ, in whom all believers are one.”  (p. 951)  The Holy Land is a state of mind open to all.

Joyce Voysey

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