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Monday, 21 April 2014


It’s interesting that both Jesus and Paul were misunderstood and persecuted. 


Both men were raised and trained in the Jewish faith.  They knew Scripture (what we now call the Old Testament) very well indeed.  We read that Jesus quoted the Psalms and the prophets; Paul certainly spoke about Abraham and Moses.


But there is a difference between knowing the words, and understanding the spirit behind the words. 


Jesus knew that Jewish “law” prohibited work on the Sabbath.  But he went ahead and healed the lame man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath day anyway, knowing that God’s work carries on without interruption day by day – “My Father is working straight through, even on the Sabbath.  So am I” (John 5: 17 The Message). This was not how the Jewish elders expected a “good” Jew to behave; they were furious; Jesus had disobeyed their “law”. 
Julie Swannell

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