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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The nascent Christian Church

Greetings fellow readers! 
We have been inspired by Madelon Maupin’s wonderful Bible insights shared at the Northern Australia Church Alive Summit, so we will follow her lead and read Paul’s letter to the Galatians this month.  Who were the Galatians?  Why did Paul write to them?  What was his basic message? What does it say to us today?
Last month we read Mary Baker Eddy's Message to The Mother Church for 1900.  A passage that caught my attention was on page 6 where Eddy talks about the “so-called fog of this Science”:
“Any mystery in Christian Science departs when dawns the spiritual meaning thereof; and the spiritual sense of the Scriptures is the scientific sense which interprets the healing Christ.  A child can measurably understand Christian Science, for, through his simple faith and purity, he takes in its spiritual sense that puzzles the man.  The child not only accepts Christian Science more readily than the adult, but he practises it.  This notable fact proves that the so-called fog of this Science obtains not in the Science, but the in material sense which the adult entertains of it.”

Now let's launch ourselves back into the world of the nascent Christian church...

Julie Swannell


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