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Monday, 12 January 2015

Paul's message to the Roman followers

January book: Romans.

Not an easy read, but having read the first two chapters, I was left with this thought: When I see error in others I am sinning as much as they are. 

I can’t help wondering how much of Paul’s message was actually understood by those he was writing to.  He personal teaching must have been rather powerful stuff.  Not for sissies!

I didn’t seem to have understood much of what I had read, but on scanning the pages again, I found, “For wherein thou judgeth another, thou condemnest thyself.” !!  (Rom. 2:1, in part) 

How about that?  I had taken in a truth!

Joyce Voysey

Ed. I love that the original meaning of the word "sin" is from an archery term - "to miss the mark." Wonderfully, it doesn't mean we're intrinsically bad; it means we can try again.

I have a mental picture of Paul dictating this letter: walking to and fro as he thinks, letting all the ideas flow out in a rush of wonderful his scribe endeavored to capture them all and get them written down!

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