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Sunday, 28 February 2016

"Love can never be destroyed"

Last night I reached the wonderful testimony from the Austrian woman which Julie has talked about in the blog. (See pages 136-151 of our book A Century of Christian Science Healing.) I am sure this testimony has helped me very much over the 50 years I have been familiar with it.  (I remember going to a testimony meeting in Newcastle just after the 9/11 happening in New York.  The readings must have been in support of prayer about the situation.  This testimony came to mind as an example of how folk working to help practically at such a time can be guided on how to tend people in need.)  Adrienne was so full of the truth she had been imbibing from her continual reading of Science and Health, that she, “Spoke the truth to every form of error,” as she worked among the Hamburg survivors from the terrible air raids.  And folk responded.

I actually know a dear woman who, as a child, was evacuated from Hamburg to Bavaria at this time.  It was a very sad time for her.

How we can keep on learning from these testimonies!

A woman healed of cancer speaks of finding “new significance in the New Testament account of Jesus’ disciples” (P. 150).   I will quote in full from the record –

I found new significance in the New Testament account of Jesus’ disciples.  Not only the spiritual qualities of thought that each of the disciples represented, but the human failings each had to overcome.

For instance, Peter, who denied Jesus three times.  And as I searched my own thought, I saw that I’d sometimes denied the Christ too.  Saying that I was sick was denying the Christ, Truth, which Jesus expressed in his healing work and which is always available.

And the two disciples who wanted to sit, one at the right hand and the other at the left hand of Jesus.  They reminded me that I had thoughts of pride and vainglory to overcome.

But when it came to Judas, I said to myself, “Well, there’s one thing sure, I’ve never been like Judas.”  But then I thought, “His main problem was jealousy.”  I bowed my head.  I knew I’d been jealous at times.  I’d long been jealous of a member of my family.  Here was the root of the problem, and I saw that the solution lay in a better understanding of divine Love.

Then I thought of John, the beloved disciple.  He expressed Love always; and Love can never be destroyed!  And just as Jesus lovingly washed the feet of his disciples after the Passover supper, the understanding of the truth and love he taught could cleanse my thought of jealousy, doubt, pride, apathy – everything standing in the way of my healing.

And such was the case.  It took a number of years but these were fruitful years.  There was a wonderful mental purging going on during that time, and it led to a complete healing.  I was entirely healed and healthier and stronger than I’d ever been in my life.  That was thirty years ago.

Mrs. Adelina Werner

Joyce Voysey

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