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Friday, 26 February 2016

Wonderful steadfastness and staunchness

Probably one of the most memorable accounts from our book A Century of Christian Science Healing comes from Mrs. L. Adrienne Vinciguerra, whose description of finding Christian Science while a prisoner of war in Stalag 17A in 1942 is very moving. 

As we read, we can trace the angel-messages which transformed her life as she fell in love with the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: from being able to walk out of the prison camp in broad daylight to being sustained with food and lodging in wartime Europe without having the necessary papers. 

This testimony is so sincere and uplifting. The reader feels the Christ-presence as we take the journey with the author. I especially love the final paragraph:

"I still kept reading the textbook from cover to cover (that was about the fourth time by then). My desire to know more about Christian Science made me feel that as soon as I could I'd like to go to England. ...the English people had had wonderful steadfastness and staunchness. They stood on the truth they had learned - the English Christian Scientists. The testimonies in the English churches after the war were just absolutely wonderful..."

Julie Swannell

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