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Thursday, 29 June 2017

Abraham's example - a good study for today

When considering where to begin in researching a topic for our blog, there is a wonderful place called JSH-Online ( Many of our readers know about this treasure-trove already. So, I was wondering what I might find out about the Biblical Abraham if I searched.  As book-clubbers might expect, quite a lot.

One article deepened my appreciation of the qualities of thought expressed by Abraham - including faithfulness, generosity, willingness to move (in thought and body), obedience, kindness, compassion, and above all monotheism. The author also recognizes his "clarity of thought and desire". I love that. See "Abraham the faithful" Christian Science Sentinel Jan 8, 1949 by LUCIA C. COULSON

Another article has given me much food for thought. If tells us, in essence, that differences within families (including the family of man) can be healed! The article points out:

"For the children of Abraham— the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael—the time for reconciliation is here. The old sibling rivalries, the posturing for the patriarch's love, the demands for the fairer share of inheritance—both land and ideology—must now begin to recede."  

See Christian Science Sentinel November 18, 2002 "The Family of Abraham" by Marilyn Jones.

Finally (but there are so many more for the searcher to discover), I was interested in the 
March 4, 1939 Sentinel article "Fidelity", by Thomas G. Watterson, which includes Jesus' response to the learned men of his day: "If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham."

Happy searching.

Stand by for news of our July book study. Or write to with your suggestions!

Julie Swannell

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