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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Names and llfe spans

I continued on with the Chapter Genesis in Science and Health. I think I have taken in a little more of its truths.

Now, back to the remainder of Genesis. I'm reading from my beautiful leather New King James Version.

On reading Gen. 4:26 we are up to Seth in Adam's line and we find that stage “ began to call on the name of the Lord.” In verses immediately before this we have been hearing about the naming of Cain's offspring. The naming seems to have been very important as representing the character of the man, e.g. Jubal was “The father of all those who play the harp and flute” (4:21).

We have been told that Cain had gone from the presence of the Lord into the land of Nod, so if is refreshing to see that with Seth we have a return to the Lord.

Chapter 5 has a sub-title “The Family of Adam.” Here we see the beginning of the mixture of man created by Spirit (Genesis 1), and man created from dust (Gen. 2). Chapter five gives the genealogy from Adam to Noah. Hundreds and hundreds of years are recorded before we find one who “walked with God” – Enoch. Then, more hundreds of years to Noah, who also “walked with God.”

This passage of years between men who walked with God has me wondering about history in general. Do we have to see hundreds of years between the appearing of men good enough to help humanity get back in touch with the Almighty?

Those men of chapter 5 lived a long time – Methuselah held the record of 782 years. But by Chapter 6, verse 3, 120 years was set for a man's life.

Joyce Voysey

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