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Sunday, 1 October 2017

Familiarity with the life of Mary Baker Eddy

In the chapter Foundation-stones (from September's book Retrospection and Introspection pp 56-58), I find a war theme: "War is waged between the evidences of Spirit and the evidences of the five physical senses; and this contest must go on until peace be declared by the final triumph of Spirit in immutable harmony" (p. 56:12-15).

In this chapter, there is one “I” to tell us that this is part of Mary Baker Eddy's story. (With Eddy, it is never, “This is what I say is true”, but “This is what God has shown me to be Christian-scientifically true: the universal truth which is God in action.”) She writes: "The following ideas of Deity...I found to be demonstrable rules in Christian Science..." (p. 56:1).

Then in the chapter Sin, Sinner, and Ecclesiasticism, we read: “Christian Science gives vitality to religion ...” (p. 66:3).  How quiet is that vitality. 

Merriam-Webster (dictionary) lists the following for "vitality":
1.     Lively or animated character
2.     Power of enduring
3.     The peculiarity distinguishing the living from the un-living
4.     Capacity to live and develop; also: physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed.

It seems so important for us to grasp even a little of what Christian Science teaches about sin.

In my research of JSH-Online to seek what other students have written about our book, I found the following, titled History, by Archibald McLellan, in the June 29, 1907 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.
"In these days when so much is being written about our Leader and Christian Science, it is well for us to remember that Mrs. Eddy has not left the world in ignorance of her early history, nor of the early history of the Cause which she has founded. We do not need to turn for information on these subjects to the alleged histories which have been published by unfriendly magazines and newspapers...

"The study of this book is important to Christian Scientists...and every Christian Scientist should be as familiar with it as they are with our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.""  (Emphasis added - J. Voysey.)

And here is how the Editor of The Christian Science Journal of December, 1891, welcomed the new work:

"The new book, Retrospection and Introspection, by the author of Science and Health, is a treasure of Love; and is a wonderful adjustment of the questions of thy day, to the students of Science and Health. It disentangles many a vexed problem which has caused severe and prolonged struggles. In our great need the Light has come."

Joyce Voysey

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