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Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Letters and responses

 The charitable work carried out by Christian Scientists during the First World War is very inspiring. I have been particularly touched to read letters and responses such as the following:

"I should like to express my gratitude towards the Committee of the War Relief Fund and to all those who are generously contributing to this cause, which came to our aid in a moment of need. My husband has been earning very little during the four years of war. We have had the great privilege of becoming acquainted with Christian Science which is teaching us that God is Love and the source of all that is good. With this knowledge we have been wonderfully preserved from all evil and our condition has changed and improved. Thanks to this teaching we understand God better and are very grateful for this." p. 41 Christian Science Wartime Activities (WWI)

"...a YMCA Worker who was passing by said, 'Haven't you got one of those little books to give me?' and added, 'You know when you and your wife first came to camp I wondered how you had ever taken up with such a thing as I thought Christian Science to be. Then I watched you and your work, and it seemed to me that you had something that others did not have, and the first thing I knew, I wished I could know something more about Christian Science from the standpoint of the Christian Scientist himself. I read some of the Monitors that I found in the hut, and then, as you will remember, I had an hour's talk with you one day. During the talk a burn on my hand was healed and now I really want to read Science and Health.' Then followed another talk of a half hour or so, and a Science and Health was given to the Secretary, who proved to an Episcopalian minister" ibid p. 89.

This seems to echo the truism that "man's extremity is God's opportunity" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy 266: 13-15).

Julie Swannell

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