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Saturday, 5 March 2022

War in Europe - and a timely response

The book Christian Science Wartime Activities is a marvel. I will quote directly from the book because I know that many people do not have access to it at this point and the story is stirring.

“…the constant desire to help … crystallized itself in the establishment of the War Relief Fund by the Board of Directors of The Mother Church, and … the following announcement appeared in the Christian Science Sentinel of October 24, 1914:


The many Christian Scientists who have desired to contribute to the relief of those of our people who are enduring the hardships which war entails, will welcome the opportunity afforded by the following letter, a copy of which has been mailed to all branch churches and societies in the United States:

…This Board has been informed that, as a consequence of the war in Europe, Christian Scientists in the countries affected are in great distress. As a means of relieving this distress, The Mother Church will take a collection at both of its services on Sunday October 25. If your organization should desire to take similar action …

Remittances may be sent to Adam H. Dickey, Treasurer…    pp. 21-22

A delegate from the Board of Lectureship was subsequently sent to Europe to organise relief committees in Europe. The delegate sailed from New York November 16, 1914. He met with the Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland in London. A relief committee was formed to administer the funds, which were to be made available to those suffering hardship.

This included

“…families where fathers had been called to the colors, leaving wives and children totally unprepared to earn a living”

“men whose business affairs had been wiped out of existence by the declaration of war”

“students, teachers, artists, who found their livelihood taken away … overnight because people felt forced to do without the so-called luxuries of life”

“Many persons found their income stopped or greatly curtailed because they held securities in some of the countries involved in the struggle”

“In short, there were many cases where Christian Scientists were faced with the problem of demonstrating that supply is invariable and unlimited. To lift the sense of fear for such as these and so enable them to perceive the ever-presence of God’s care, was the aim of the War Relief Fund. In proportion as it was seen that the love which prompted the gifts of Christian Scientists to the fund was the real substance of the help extended, fear was cast out, and individuals were able to dispense with further aid from the fund. Not only so but they were put in a position to help others, thus proving again the spiritual fact that “whatever blesses one blesses all” (SH 206).”  Pp. 22-23

Thus begins the story, which seems very relevant to our own times.

Julie Swannell


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