"We are in the midst of a revolution; physics are yielding slowly to metaphysics; mortal mind rebels at its own boundaries; weary of matter, it would catch the meaning of Spirit."
Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Healing p. 11: 6-9
Oxford Dictionary: Revolution.
1. rebellion, revolt
2. dramatic change, radical alteration, complete shift, transformation, innovation, reorganization, restructuring, reformation, upheaval, shake-up
3. single turn, rotation, circle, cycle
4. orbital motion, turning around, gyration
Oxford Dictionary: Metaphysics.
- the science of things transcending what is physical or natural
Websters 1828 Dictionary: Metaphysics.
- It is said that metaphysics was the name given to the science by Aristotle...who considered the science of natural bodies, physics, as the first in the order of studies, and the science of mind or intelligence to be the second.
Mrs. Eddy uses the word metaphysics 129 times in her published writings.
Here's one passage: "Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul" Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 269: 14.
I've always loved the idea of replacing things seen with the thoughts that are their essence or true substance. Revolution indeed.
Julie Swannell
Helpful research! Thanks! from Deborah