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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Do you have questions?

Children always have questions, but do adults sometimes forget to be inquisitive, and swallow whatever they are told as being the truth?  Have you noticed that when you are with inquisitive young children, the world takes on a new hue?  You SEE so much more. 

I love that the queen of Sheba had lots of “hard questions” to ask when she visited the famous King Solomon.  See I Kings 10.  We know that the 12 year old Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, peppering the “doctors” with questions, even while his parents were frantic that they couldn’t find him.   See Luke 2: 46.  And years later, lots of people asked Jesus lots of “hard questions”!

Our present experience throws up many questions, and it’s so interesting and helpful to seek the answers to those questions.  The internet allows quick and wide access to many sources of information – some reliable, some not.  In our daily study of the Christian Science Bible Lesson, LOTS of questions arise, and I find it helpful to ask: “What is the significance of that for us today?” A friend from Sydney helpfully suggested years ago that the answers are always right there in the Lesson as we keep reading!

Book Club readers will have their own favourite questions from Chapter Three of our book this month, Miscellaneous Writings. I like them all, but was struck by this one on page 74/75 the other day:  “If God does not recognize matter, how did Jesus, who was “the way, the truth, and the life,” cognize it?”

Eddy’s answer is awesome!  She reminds us that his nativity was unlike any other; he “walked upon the waves”; “turned the water into wine”, “healed the sick and the sinner”; “raised the dead”; and “rolled away the stone from the door of his own tomb”!!  That sort-of gives us the feeling that Jesus’ concept of matter was a little different from the ordinary!

Questions are great – let’s keep asking them, and the answers will come in the way we need them.  Isa 28: 10 - “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line, here a little and there a little.” KJV

“He tells us everything over and over again, a line at a time and in such simple words!” The Living Bible

Julie Swannell

Note: Three POSTS have been added today.  You will find the other two ("To Loyal Christian Scientists" and "Sing Your Heart Out") on the Blog under this one.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the current blog re questions.
    Was just thinking last night about the questions we sometimes hear in church circles: What would Mrs. Eddy say? Or what would she do about this if she were here?
    It seemed to me last night that she is here in her writings and we have full access to those. We are not deprived of her counsel.


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