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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Adam Dickey's account is wonderful

I love this explanation of the genesis of the much loved article by Adam Dickey God’s Law of Adjustment:

“Dickey’s well-known article “God’s Law of Adjustment” was published in 1916, inspired in part by these remarks Eddy made to him: “To-day divine Mind adjusts me to my work and adjusts my work to me.  Under the law of adjustment, God’s law, my work must be successful.  Through steadfast declaration, work and worker, buyer and seller, are brought together[,] … and God’s perfect law is brought into manifestation.”  Dickey strove for many years to understand and demonstrate the truth of these remarks before writing about them.” – see p. 385 of We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Amplified Edition Vol. II

Dickey records Mrs. Eddy’s change of thought about the Board of Directors’ idea of placing a marble statue of a woman kneeling in prayer above the organ in The Mother Church.  Her final word was: 

“No picture of a female in attitude of prayer or in any other attitude shall be made or put into our Church, or any of our buildings with my consent.  This is now my request and demand: Do nothing in statuary, in writing, or in action to perpetuate or immortalize the thought of personal being; but do and illustrate, teach and practice, all that will impersonalize God and His idea man and woman.  Whatever I have said in the past relative to impersonation in thought or in figure, I have fully recalled, and my Church cannot contradict me in this statement” (ibid Endnote 100 p. 613-4).

My question is: Should we take down any photos of Mary Baker Eddy that we may have displayed anywhere in our churches or reading rooms?

Here is a profound statement from Mrs. Eddy to Dickey: “Remember that the so-called human mind is expected to increase in wisdom until it disappears and Divine Mind is seen to be the only Mind” (ibid p. 428).  I do not know if it is relevant or not, but I am reminded of a remark my aunt (born 1890) often made about babies – that these days they are born with much more evidence of intelligence than in years gone by.

Adam Dickey’s account is wonderful!

Joyce Voysey

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