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Monday, 19 August 2013

Do as we say we believe or else

Page 1321 gives us a deep challenge where it quotes Mrs Eddy as saying:

“We must be Christian Scientists and do as we say we believe or else be hypocrites.  We say Spirit is all, and then when we have to take our choice between Spirit and the flesh, we cry, “The flesh, the flesh.”  God is coming very near to us, is making demands on us. Mr Frye made his choice twenty-one years ago and since then has been having his experiences, and if he should pass now, [he] would waken to glorified being.  Those who choose the flesh will yet have all the experience to go through.” 

What is “glorified being”? I went on a search, and there it is in Science and Health p. 291:5

“The suppositions that sin is pardoned while unforsaken, that happiness can be genuine in the midst of sin, that the so-called death of the body frees from sin, and that God’s pardon is aught but the destruction of sin, — these are grave mistakes. We know that all will be changed “in the twinkling of an eye,” when the last trump shall sound; but this last call of wisdom cannot come till mortals have already yielded to each lesser call in the growth of Christian character. Mortals need not fancy that belief in the experience of death will awaken them to glorified being.”

The only Bible reference given in Concord is from Luke 4:15:And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.”  This is speaking of Jesus.  But is it not the Christ which he represented that he wished to be glorified, just as Mary Baker Eddy wished Christian Science to have the glory, and not Mary?

Am I getting myself bogged down here?  I just read this morning about the Way-shower (pages 134 and 1361). 

What is a way shower?  There is a human and a divine meaning.  A way shower is that which shows the way; it must be some thing or some one.  Jesus was the Way-shower, the Christ with him, and if he had not been, where would we be?  He showed the way as the masculine idea of Principle; then woman took it up at that point – the ascending thought in the scale – and is showing the way, thus representing the male and female Principle (the male and female of God’s creating).”  And,

“Follow the Way-shower, and you will follow the divine idea; turn away from the Way-shower, and you turn away from the divine idea – like [when] turning away from the window pane, you turn away from the light.  It is not my personality you are following or that you love.  You are being turned from the person to the idea.  When this is accomplished, then you will be free in health to go on and do for the world.”

It seems obvious that Calvin Frye was a consummate follower of Mrs Eddy’s way-showing.

Any discussion on this, as with everything I write, is very welcome.

Joyce Voysey

1We Knew Mary Baker Eddy Amplified Version Vol II

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