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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Remarkable reading experience

August Book Club 2013.  Book: We Knew Mary Baker Eddy Expanded Edition Vol. II

I read this book through earlier this year.  What an experience that was!  I have never marked so many remarkable paragraphs or phrases in a book before.  And I am looking forward very much to thinking more deeply about those passages.

Of course, on second reading, more ideas are taking my attention.  For instance:

I like the way Jennie Sawyer was introduced to Christian Science when in an extremely serious physical and mental condition: “…a mental method of healing which included no medicine and no physical exertion on the part of the patient – and even mentally they did not require the patient to accept it until relief came and [he or she] could better understand it.” p 9

Isn’t that wonderful – not required to accept it until relief came and the person understood it better?

We read that not everyone who had class teaching with Mrs. Eddy, came to understand it, and so did not go on to be Mrs. Eddy’s loyal student.  However, Mrs Sawyer and her husband Silas went on to be stalwarts of Truth in those early days of the Christian Science movement.

Another newly marked passage contrasts the old with the new way of praying: “Our former faith had led us to plead and beg for help and salvation from sin, sickness, and death, while those false methods were to be replaced by a faith that took hold on God’s promises without faltering because of a firm reliance on Christ’s redeeming grace and a recognition of God’s ability to save to the uttermost.”  p.14

How well Jennie writes!  This is something to be remarked upon I reckon – how well the writers have expressed themselves in these recollections.
Joyce Voysey

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