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Monday, 8 October 2012

Luke Chapters 13 and 14 - lessons

In just glancing through this chapter, I saw in verse 22 about Jesus, “And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem.” This journeying toward Jerusalem seems to be popping up a bit.  Was his destination always Jerusalem, which Science and Health defines in part as “Home, heaven”? 
And was his teaching preparing him for his final triumph over the flesh?

In following the last verses of this chapter, I find it rather difficult to grasp their meaning.  But Jerusalem seems to be symbolised therein.  I turned to Mrs. Eddy’s writings and found this in Prose Works, quoting from a book by Benjamin Wills Newton called “Thoughts on the Apocalypse”:  “The church at Jerusalem, like a sun in the centre of its system, had other churches, like so many planets, revolving around it.  It was strictly a mother and a ruling church.”  Mrs. Eddy adds, “According to his description, the church of Jerusalem seems to prefigure The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston.”  My. 13:13

The Mother Church and its branches is where members are learning and being taught the Science that takes them on their journey heavenward.

Chapter 14 has a loved verse: “For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.”  What a way to follow to get on in life!  A current news story seems to be an example of this truth.  Perhaps the story isn’t finished yet.  God is pointing the way.  The verse is, of course, the culmination of the parable Jesus has just delivered.  The story carries on with the theme of humility.

Such lessons Jesus has given us for dealing with everyday happenings!  And how his teaching can go unread and undemonstrated!  “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear,” finishes off the chapter.

Joyce Voysey

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