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Monday, 29 October 2012

The Prayer of Discovery - last blog for October from Joyce V.
The following paragraph is from an article entitled The Prayer of Discovery.  It is by J. Marshall Hall, and it is to be found in the April, 1951 Journal.  I have made bold the phrase that took my attention.  Don’t you just love it?

Christian Science is a system of spiritual regeneration. It requires study of the Bible and the works of Mrs. Eddy, reading of the Christian Science periodicals, participation in church activity, and practice of its truths in daily living. This way of life is made possible only through prayer, or communion with God, in which glimpses of Truth flow into consciousness. Such prayer, or conscious communion with God, is a prayer of discovery. Mrs. Eddy says in her work "No and Yes", in commenting on prayer (p. 39), "It makes new and scientific, discoveries of God, of His goodness and power." She spoke and wrote always from the depth of her spiritual experience.


We were early at the church in Perth for our Association Meeting.  Julie was occupied, having been previously a member of that church and also on the Association Committee when she lived in Perth.  She had jobs to do.


I went over to the glass case where the Subscription Edition of Mary Baker Eddy’s great work Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is kept secure in the foyer.  Now, I have looked at this book many times before, but this time I was almost overcome with emotion at the beauty of it and knowing its worthiness of such magnificent presentation; its permanence in the world; its value to mankind.  Tears were very close.  How Mrs. Eddy would have loved it, I thought.  Then, “I must re-read William Dana Orcutt’s book Mary Baker Eddy and Her Books.”


Well, I have now done that, and am so indebted to Mr. Orcutt for his wonderful portrayal of his association with Mrs. Eddy and her books.  I think his is the most endearing portrayal we may read of her character and some of what she went through to put Science and Health before the world.


His book was published by The Christian Science Publishing Society in 1950.  The Subscription Edition was constructed so lovingly during World War II, beginning in 1941.


I will say no more, hoping that every reader of this piece will go to the book and be inspired as I am.

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