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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Luke 15 and 16

Chapter 15 has the Prodigal Son and the Self-righteous Son story.  I guess we can place ourselves in either or both of these son’s states of thought at different times.  Both had to learn that, “All that I have is thine”  (verse 31).  We all have to learn that God’s goodness is undivided; we have access to all that He is – all the love, all the supply, all the spiritual sense, all the gratitude, all the principle, all the life, all the truth, all the mind which was in Christ Jesus. 

Chapter 16 and the parable of the unjust steward:  It is hard to reconcile the steward’s actions with Principle, but a little thought came to me as I read it this time: Is the steward actually putting down the true figures which are really owed by the debtors, figures which he had somehow inflated for his own gain?  Perhaps he was on a percentage.
Joyce Voysey

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