Eddy’s Reply to McClure’s Magazine begins on page 308 and ends on page
316. We find that it is refutation of errors she found in the articles
about her which were published in 1907 in a series of 14 installments. in McClure's magazine. The series was originally purported to have been compiled by Georgine Milmine, but was eventually
attributed to Willa Cather.
One can read all about it on
the Internet. The material was printed in book form in November, 1909,
and was titled The Life of Mary Baker Eddy and the History of Christian
Science. The book was eventually reprinted in 1971 and again in 1993 and is
still apparently available for purchase. The sad thing is that this book
has been used as a reference for searchers into the life of Mary Baker
Eddy. There is no mention that I have found that refers readers to the many corrections given by Mrs. Eddy.
I counted at least 20 important points about herself and her family which Mrs.
Eddy has corrected in her article.
Once again, we have Robert Peel
to thank for providing facts - see
between pages 260 to 282 of Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Authority.
McClure’s magazine was classed by Theodore Roosevelt as having a “muckraking”
I am grateful that Mrs. Eddy was able, in her Reply to McClure's Magazine, to provide us with some facts about her
life and family which are not recorded in her autobiographical work Retrospection
and Introspection.
Joyce Voysey