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Monday, 27 February 2023

Critical literature vs personal experience

As mentioned in a previous post, Chapter 8 of our book, Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age by Robert Peel, recounts some of his own family's story.

As a Harvard undergraduate, Peel tells us he "read all the critical material [he] could find on Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, the Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science metaphysics, Christian Science healing, etc." He continues: "Some of this polemical material was extremely convincing--until I started on the research in depth which showed me how much prejudice, misunderstanding, sloppiness, and sometimes deliberate falsification of the facts lay beneath the surface of much of this critical literature" (p. 183).

His family took up Christian Science when Robert was just ten, and "everything changed totally" (p. 184). His story is worth reading.

Something else this blog's readers may be interested in reading is a paper written by Thomas Johnsen titled "Christian Scientists and the Medical Profession: A Historical Perspective", published in the journal Medical Heritage 2, No. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1986), pp. 70-78. This article is referenced in the Notes for Chapter 4 (p. 201).

Reading Peel's book again has made me keen to return to his Mary Baker Eddy trilogy to refresh my memory of his thorough and detailed research on the life of the Discoverer of Christian Science.

Julie Swannell

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