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Saturday, 25 February 2023

Divine Love does the healing

As mentioned in my previous blog, in his book Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age, author Robert Peel makes a big point of saying that there are many, many wonderful healings accomplished through Christian Science which have never been published in the print periodicals.

One of these healings is the very first one in our book: the significant healing of Les Wiederkehr. It is recorded as an Affidavit by his mother Doris, in addition to an interview with her by the Christian Science Committee on Publication.

(Christian Science Sentinel Radio did broadcast Mrs. Wiederkehr’s testimony and that can be found on JSH-Online entitled Children of Light.)

No one who has read this record of healing could possibly forget it, or, surely, be impressed mightily by it. Baby Les was an unwanted child. Doris describes his physical state when he was born: “The child was born with multiple handicaps, including unformed vocal cords, a damaged heart, and a serious bone condition. We were also told that he had cerebral palsy. The physicians on the case informed us that there was little that could be done for the child medically and that they knew of no child born with similar difficulties who had lived beyond the age of six or eight months. We were permitted to take him home when he was five days old” (p. 54).

The nine-page account tells of the step-by-step journey of courage, persistence, and love of the parents and his siblings that resulted in the healing of all the conditions.

Joyce Voysey

Ed. I particularly love that Doris “could not accept this verdict [of the physicians]” (p. 54). She then refers to her own healing of curvature of the spine. Later she explains that “…we had to learn that divine Love—you need the human love, but divine Love does the healing” (p. 63).

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