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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A child transformed

Emilie Zavadil gives us a delightful story in her article


From the February 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal
“A lovely and graceful statue stood in the park of a large city. It was the likeness of a beautiful young woman. It represented her as being tidy and well dressed. A ragged and uncombed little street urchin coming across the statue in her play, stopped and gazed at it long and lovingly. Moved by a sudden impulse, she went home and washed her face and combed her hair. Another day she stopped again before the statue and admired it, and she received a new idea. Next day her tattered clothes were washed and mended. Each time she looked at the statue she found something in its beauties which she could adopt until she was a transformed child.”

Emelie goes on to say, “If a little child gazing at an inanimate statue could be so transformed and refashioned, think of the transformation of life and character which is possible through a daily consideration of the words and works of the great Exemplar and Model, Christ Jesus.”

How true that is. 

As I continue with my reading of our book We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, I am impressed that these wonderful people have given us another example for living a Christly existence in the person of Mary Baker Eddy.  Also their own lives and their obedience to their Leader and their love for her is a fine example for us.  We find that little by little, as with the little girl, erroneous concepts are being eliminated from our consciousness.
Joyce Voysey

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