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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Mothers and their special children

Dear, wonderful Julia Bartlett.  How grateful we are for her memoirs.  Her devotion to her Leader was absolute.  She saw for herself what an inspired thought Mrs. Eddy had; how far above all her students was her consciousness of the wholeness, the only-ness of God, good.

Miss Bartlett’s recording of the child Mary’s having unusual powers, such as the ability to find hidden objects with no effort, and how her mother recognised that her child was extraordinary, has me wondering about Jesus, and Mary his mother.  Were they as close as Mary and Abigail?  What wonderful things did his mother see Jesus do?  One thinks of Mary’s saying to Jesus at the wedding feast, “They have no wine” (John 2:3).  Her sureness of Jesus ability to do something special must have been founded on some previous experiences.  I figure that nothing would surprise Mary; not even water being turned into wine.  The definition of “wine” in Science and Health (p.598) is instructive: Wine.  Inspiration; understanding.  Error; fornication; temptation; passion.  Could Mary of old have perceived that the wedding party was going the way of the latter part of the definition, and expected Jesus to bring a more spiritual atmosphere to the proceedings?

It occurs to me that a person who indulges in “social drinking” may reason that having a glass of wine with dinner is a harmless thing to do.  However, when that definition of wine is consulted, perhaps there would be a change of heart.
Joyce Voysey

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