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Monday, 25 March 2013

Beethoven and angels

The Hymnal Note for Hymn 181 "Loving Father, we Thy children" speaks with wonder about Beethoven. That he knew his worth is illustrated by this story: Goethe and Beethoven were walking one day in Vienna, and "noting the approach of the imperial family, also afoot, Goethe at once stood off the walk, hat in hand, bowing from the waist in Continental fashion. Beethoven walked steadily onward to exchange greetings with royalty, eye to eye."

 The note points out that to-day Beethoven is a universally known figure, his music much lauded and loved, whereas the Hapsburg royals are hardly known at all. Just think. Beethoven knew that his music would live forever. An angel told him!
Joyce Voysey
[Ed. Violinists will recognize this tune as Beethoven's Romance in F for violin.]

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