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Sunday, 24 March 2013

Lessons learned

I have been neglecting the End Notes of our book.  The note (#30 – see page 487) relating to Laura Sargent’s entry dated June 1, 1894 (page 96) has information about Richard Kennedy (Mrs. Eddy’s second student) that I do not recall having seen printed elsewhere.  It seems his actions uncovered the workings of mental malpractice to Mrs. Eddy’s thought.

It is surprising to me that Mrs. Eddy said, “When you teach, be careful to teach your students that I am the Way-shower.  I am not the Way.  The Life, Truth, and Love that I teach is the Way.  Teach them that I am the Way-shower, and then teach them right through that thought to the Principle” (paragraph headed Sept. 5 1895, page 96).  Science & Health (S&H) tells us, “The Christ-element in the Messiah made him the Way-shower, Truth and Life.” (p.288:29)

Some pondering needed on that one.

And on page 100 of our book, We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, under the entry dated Oct. 8, 1901 is this: “Mother said, If there was not any error, there would not be any prayer.  It continues: We live outside of it all, for God is our Life.”

On page 106: “Mother said she had as much to discover as she did 40 years ago in Science”!!  How much then have we to discover?

Page 107: Sickness is healed through handling fear; sin is healed by handling the belief of hate – over and over again.

The May 7, 1907  entry reminds me of a happening very early in my experience in CS.  A dear adopted uncle was dying in hospital. He was a good church-going man, who everyone agreed “didn’t deserve to die of this dread disease.”  When we visited I wished I could do something to prevent this dire outcome.  As I remember it, he was not at peace, somewhat agitated.  At home I got out my newly acquired Concordance to S&H (that brought my CS library up to 4 books, apart from Journals and Sentinels – Bible, S&H, Prose Works, Concordance to S&H) and looked up citations on Life.  I found my peace.  The next time I saw this dear man I felt that he had also found his peace – there was a different atmosphere in the room.  As I look back I am grateful that God, not person, told me that that was the way to carry out this my first in-depth study in Science.  He passed soon after that visit.

Joyce Voysey

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